Welcome to Yosemite Auto Care

Auto Electrical

Yosemite Auto Care provides the best electrical auto service in Simi Valley, hands down.

Engine Auto Service

When that check engine light comes on, it’s hard not to feel annoyed or even worried.

Heating & Air Conditioner Repair

For the best cooling and heating auto repair service in Simi Valley, trust Yosemite Auto Care.

Maintenance & Auto Service

It’s a fact: regular, quality maintenance extends the life of your vehicle.

Exhaust Service

If you’re concerned about passing emissions or you already know your exhaust system isn’t what it should be, visit Yosemite Auto Care in Simi Valley.

Expert Automotive Repairs

Our seasoned technicians ensure optimal performance with expert diagnostics, refinement, and customized driving experience. Elevate your drive with confidence, where every trip is effortless.

Why Choose Yosemite Auto Care

When it comes to car repair, there are plenty of options available. But, not all auto repair shops are created equal. At Yosemite Auto Care our friendly and knowledgeable team has years of experience in the auto repair industry, from minor repairs to major overhauls- we’ve seen it all!

Yosemite Auto Care

What sets Yosemite Auto Care apart from all of the others in Simi Valley, CA?

Auto Repair Estimates in Simi Valley

Auto Electrical

Engine Auto Service

Heating & Air Conditioner Repair

Maintenance & Auto Service

Exhaust Service

Transmission Services

At Yosemite Auto Care, we provide transmission services. Our seasoned technicians ensure optimal performance with expert diagnostics, refinement, and customized transmission maintenance. Elevate your drive with confidence, where every shift is effortless.

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Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm
Saturday: 8am-1pm
Sunday: Closed

Yosemite Auto Care
5956 E Los Angeles Ave
Simi Valley, CA 93063